Dear Friend of Ghormley,
Camp Ghormley has always been a place of faith, growth, community, and fun for hundreds of thousands of youth and families.
Now, the coronavirus, (COVID19) confronts all of us with a time of testing. Whether it’s your job, business, personal circumstances or the health and well being of your family, you may be facing challenges as never before.
I want you to know we’re here for you. You are in our prayers, and if you need a safe place to get away, then give us a call. We certainly have the space for some great social distancing!
When it feels like all of life is disrupted, it’s time to put our faith into action. So let’s trust God and cling to the community that we share. We need God and we need each other right now.
The biggest challenge at Camp Ghormley is that the Coronavirus outbreak has caused our retreat groups to cancel for at least the next few weeks, and possibly longer. Which means we’ll lose the revenue that would have otherwise been used to pay salaries and other operational expenses. The result is our staff face the real possibility of not receiving paychecks in the coming weeks and months.
My immediate concern is that if we had to lay off staff, it would severely affect our ministry to kids this summer – which we’re still planning for, even if it looks different than we imagined. We need to go into this summer strong – spiritually and financially.
My request is this: would you please prayerfully consider a special gift to the ministry of Camp Ghormley that will go directly to the support of our staff families? I estimate that we will likely need to raise at least $40,000 in special gifts over the next four weeks to insure that our staff can continue to work and be paid so that we can all be here for a strong summer camp season.
Friend, if the ministry of Ghormley has impacted your life or the life of someone you love, and you have the means at this time, I ask that you give the gift of both encouragement and tangible support at this crucial time. Whether your gift is $50, $100, $300, or even $1,000, it will make a tremendous difference in helping us continue to carry out our mission of lives transformed by Jesus through exceptional camping experiences.
If you would like to give online to this special fund, please click the “Donate Now” link on this page. Please choose the “Staff Salary Support” campaign to make sure your gift is designated correctly.
If you’d prefer to give via check, please do the following:
(1) Mail a check made out to Camp Ghormley to 640 Lost Lake Road, Naches, WA 98937, and be sure to designate “Staff Salary Support” in the check memo line.
(2) Please call us at 509-672-4311 or email us using the “Contact Us” button on this page to let us know your check is on the way, and be sure to let us know the amount of your gift so we can plan accordingly while we wait for it to arrive.
Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your love and concern for this ministry. We look forward to seeing how God will meet our needs through the generosity of His people, so we can continue to serve others in His name.
In Christ,
Joel Whitehead
Executive Director
P.S. Please pray for wisdom as we consider how to achieve our mission of seeing lives transformed by Jesus this summer and throughout the year. And thank you for your continued support of the people who do the work of ministry here at Camp Ghormley.