If you are graduating high school this year, apply for our College Summer Staff program.
How does our staff team work?
High School Staff are an integral part of our summer camps. The High School Staff positions at Camp Ghormley are not only jobs – they make camp ministry possible. Our High School Staff and all seasonal staff must first be unified in Christ, as one body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31, Ephesians 4:1-8), that is working together to not only preach the Gospel, but to live it and exemplify it to our guests and campers.
Every position at Camp Ghormley is unique and necessary for the function of camp, each with it’s own set of responsibilities. Because our team is made up of humans, and life can get in the way of our common goal, each staff member must also have an ability to be flexible and help in many different areas.
Positions Available
All High School Staff positions are Program Staff positions. When you apply for a High School Staff position, you may request to be assigned to one of the following areas. As a member of the High School staff, you will also have responsibilities in areas outside of your primary work area.
- Accommodations & Camp Store
- Maintenance
- Kitchen
- Recreation
Click here to view the Program Staff job description.
High School Staff Requirements
In order to be on our High School Staff team, we are looking for individuals who have:
- Reached the age of 16 or will be 16 by June 23, 2025
- Evidence of an active Christian faith. Sharing and living out your faith with young campers is essential!
- Prior work or volunteer experience (whether at Camp Ghormley or elsewhere)
- A high degree of maturity (for someone your age)
- A willingness to learn and grow (working at camp is not easy but it is rewarding)
- Strong references (would your teachers/coaches/youth pastor recommend you?)
- 100% parent support of your summer camp working commitment – If you cannot commit to all required dates, consider volunteering instead
- The ability to commit to serve all 8 weeks of summer camp
If you are not old enough or cannot make a commitment to serve all summer, be a part of our team as a volunteer!
Important Notes:
All High School Staff will be paired with a college-age counselor to assist with a cabin group when you are not working in your primary work area.
All staff may at times be asked to serve in areas other than their primary work assignment. Flexibility is key!
All staff (regardless of position) help with things like dishes and end of camp turnaround.
Summer 2025 Commitment Requirements
All paid High School Staff are committing to serve at camp throughout the summer. If you cannot make a commitment to serve all summer, be a part of our team as a volunteer!
High School Staff will need to be at camp and ready to work during the following dates:
- June 13-20: Outreach Camp & Staff Training
- June 23-27
- June 30-July 3
- July 14-19
- July 20-24
- July 27-August 2
- August 3: End-Of-Summer dinner
- Optional Extra Employment Opportunities: August 4-31
There are breaks in the schedule when you can return home throughout the summer.
Compensation Information
Each High School Summer Staff member will be paid $275/session (about $1,650 for the whole summer before taxes, not including potential extra employment opportunities in August).
Interested in becoming lifeguard certified? Attend our lifeguard training! We will add $25/session to your paycheck if you receive your certification – and we will pay for your training! Your certificate will be valid for 2 years after you complete the training, which may qualify you for other lifeguarding jobs at pools, aquatic centers, or waterfronts beyond Camp Ghormley.
2025 Pay Rates
Note: All positions are eligible for donation-based salary support. You will receive 100% of all donations given towards your ministry. Let us know if you are interested in having your friends and family support your summer of ministry at camp!
Program Staff: $275/session
Program Staff with LG*: $300/session
Returning Staff Bonus: Add $25/session per summer served past first
Note: Applies to total summers worked past first, including future College Staff roles.
Recruiting Bonus: $250/person you recruit who we hire (and don’t fire)
*LG = Lifeguard Certification
Lifeguard Training:
Tentative: June 18-21, 2025
Outreach Camp:
June 13-15, 2025
Staff Training:
June 18-20, 2025
Official Summer Commitment Dates:
See below for a more detailed schedule
Additional Job Opportunities – Guest Groups
August 4 – September 1, 2025