Are you a past Shift participant who loves Camp Ghormley and wants new opportunities to grow in your faith and leadership skills? Look no further; this is for you!
This program is designed to give you new opportunities to grow in your leadership abilities by doing things such as being an Activity Leader, helping lead worship (if interested), or even speaking in a morning chapel during a Primary or Junior Camp session! In addition, we’ll have a new round of Bible study curriculum designed to stretch your faith and help you further identify your gifting as a leader. Last, and perhaps most importantly, you will be looked to as a leader to show the way for the first-year Shift students in your session. We will give you opportunities to lead among your peers who are looking to see what great leadership at Camp Ghormley looks like.
We’re serious about preparing future leaders for God’s Kingdom! Come have a blast at camp while growing tremendously along the way!
For information on our camp pricing, please see our Tiered Pricing Information page.
Camp Session Information
Future session dates coming soon!