Check-in Information
When you arrive at Ghormley, you will be directed to a parking spot on our meadow, in front of Evergreen Lodge. Please bring any paperwork that still needs to be turned in, money for a payment (if not paid in full), and any camper medications with you through check-in. If you plan to add Sundeck money to your camper’s account, please also bring that money with you through the check-in line. You may either leave your camper’s luggage in your vehicle until he/she is checked in, or you may bring it with you through the check-in process.
Parents may leave after the camper has checked in with his/her counselor and moved into his/her cabin. Campers are encouraged to take their swim test after they have moved into their cabins, and parents are welcome to stay for this as well. For more information on swim tests, click here.
Note: campers may carpool to camp with friends, as long as all payments and forms have been completed prior to their arrival.
Check-out Information
When you arrive at Ghormley, you will be directed to a parking spot on our meadow. You are welcome to arrive one-half hour before the designated check out time to attend the final chapel.
After the final chapel, campers and counselors will be grouped on the meadow. Please locate your camper’s counselor to sign your camper out. Campers may not leave camp until they have been signed out with their counselor. Please be sure that the person(s) picking your camper up from camp have been given authorization to pick your child up (if this changes after check-in, please call the office as soon as possible to update the pick-up authorization).
Counselors will give parents a packet containing the camp picture and the camper’s medication, if applicable, at check-out.
Parents will also have the opportunity to pick up remaining funds from their campers’ Sundeck (camp store) accounts as well as visit the Sundeck. Parents should stop by the refunds table before going to the Sundeck.
Find More Information
Summer Camp Essentials
Camper Experience Information
- Camper Health & Safety
- Camper Mail Information
- Food at Youth Camp
- Information on Camper Homesickness
- Medication Information
- Sundeck (Camp Store) Information
- Swim Test Information