Summer 2020 Camp Information
This page contains information on our 2020 summer camp programs in light of COVID-19. This information about camp session dates, pricing, and policies supersedes all other information on our website regarding traditional summer camp programs that may be accessed. It is vitally important you call us at 509-672-4311 to clarify if you have any questions after reading through the information below.
Scroll directly to:
Summer Plans Announcement
Summer Meals Program Information
Transfers and Refunds Options
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the scheduled reopening plan for Washington State this summer, we are unable to follow our normal summer schedule. All summer sessions in June have been cancelled. As Yakima County is currently still in Phase 1 of the state’s reopening plan, with a continued county-wide increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases, we do not believe Camp Ghormley will be able to open for our July camps either. Therefore, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our 2020 July Adventure Camps.
While we, like you, are disappointed by this outcome, we trust that God is in control of this situation, and we hope and pray that next summer is back to normal!
In the meantime, we will be offering a Summer Meals Program – Ghormley Goodness! Find more information below.
If your camper is registered for a 2020 Adventure Camp, please scroll to the bottom of the page for information on transfers and refunds.
This summer, Ghormley is excited to offer a summer meal program, where we create fresh-made meals for your family. We are excited for this opportunity to continue to serve our camp family, even if you can’t make it to camp. Find more information about this great way to support camp and enjoy great food here!
Parents of campers registered for 2020 Adventure Camp sessions will have the following options for transfer or refund:
- Transfer payment to a 2021 summer session, at 2020 rates (prices may have to increase significantly next year, due to the impact of COVID-19).
- Donate payment to Camp Ghormley as a tax-deductible donation.
- Receive a full refund by check.
Transfer a payment to a 2021 Summer session, at 2020 rates
Families of currently registered campers will have the option to apply their 2020 camp payment to a 2021 summer session, at 2020 rates. Families that choose to transfer their full or partial camp payment to a 2021 session will receive a discount that reduces their price to the 2020 rate. For example, if a camper’s balance is paid in full for 2020, their payment can be transferred to an equivalent 2021 session and still be paid in full.
We expect summer camp rates to significantly increase next year, as we look at the far-reaching impact of COVID-19 on Camp Ghormley. Transferring your payment now ensures that your camper can attend at current rates.
Full or partial 2020 payments may be transferred to 2021 sessions to receive the 2020 rates. If a camper is moving up in sessions for the 2021 summer, families may still receive the 2020 rates when they transfer their 2020 payment, but they will be expected to pay the remaining balance by the time their camper attends camp.
Families must choose to transfer their 2020 payment by June 30, 2020 to attend a 2021 session at 2020 rates.
See 2021 Dates on the Ghormley home page.
Note: This option not only saves a camper’s spot for a session next year, but transferring funds for next year’s sessions will also help to sustain Camp Ghormley through this season of limited income.
Donate payment to Camp Ghormley
Families may choose to donate all or part of their 2020 camp payment to Camp Ghormley. All donations are tax-deductible. Donations will be used where needed most to keep Ghormley open and functioning during this time of uncertainty.
Receive a check refund
Camp Ghormley is offering full refunds – including deposit – to families who have made payments for 2020 camp sessions. These refunds will be by check. Credit refunds will not be processed at this time. Families can expect to receive their check within one month of their request for a refund.
Let us know what you decide!
Call the office at 509-672-4311 or email us using the link on this page let us know how you would like to proceed with your 2020 camp payment. If we have not heard from you by June 30, all payments will be refunded by check to the address on file.